Interested in Becoming a Sponsorship Partner?
TASFAA is a non-profit all-volunteer organization and we are extremely grateful for the support TASFAA receives from our Sponsors.
For the 2024-2025 year, TASFAA is pleased to offer you the opportunity to support our Regional Training events and our Annual Fall Conference. We have enhanced our sponsorship exhibiting options for 2024-2025 and offer you the opportunity to display your logo on the TASFAA website and exhibit with us at the Regional Training Event(s) and Fall Conference.
We invite you to partner with TASFAA to fulfill this year’s goals and open doors.
For more information on sponsorship, contact our Sponsor Relations chairperson.
Please note that to be a TASFAA sponsor, you must be a TASFAA member in order to register to exhibit at the Regional Training and the Fall Conference. To check on your member status or apply for membership visit our New Member page! Once you are an active member you can use the link below to become a sponsor.
TASFAA Tax ID #23-7039383
